Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24

WNB: Article of the Week - "US officially accuses Russia of hacking DNC and interfering with election" (I'll collect the annotated articles tomorrow.)

We spent some time resetting expectations of the course, discussing independent reading time and writer's notebook entries. Students suggested that I provide suggested prompts and quotes that they can reference for outside of class entries. I'm in the process of gathering these materials, and I will post them on Classroom when they're ready! (I shared these slides on Classroom. See me if you have questions!)

We visited the library so students could begin looking for their AP list title. Originally, students were to read 2 books from the AP list, but I have adjusted that requirement. The list is available in the About section on Classroom.

Students took a quiz over Lord of the Flies for the last 20 minutes of class. Hopefully, they read the book!

Today's Board

Week-at-a-Glance & Essential Questions