IRT: ~20 minutes
WNB: "The Huge Misconception about Reading" - Before watching the video, students talked in their groups about what they thought the misconception might be. After viewing, they responded in their notebooks to these questions: Did you predict correctly? Do you agree with the video?
We learned about gerunds and infinitives and how they're used in writing. There will be a few questions on Thursday's test about gerunds and infinitives.
Students used the remaining time to work on the humanity project. I visited with each group to check on their progress. Students should be working on their individual parts of the project outside of class. I have posted a template for the essay on Classroom. All parts of the project are due Tuesday, 2/21, by the end of the class period. We will have class time next week.
I apologize for not posting to the blog for the 3 days I was gone. Students received an agenda in class each day, so I'm linking those here.
Tuesday's agenda
Wednesday's agenda
Thursday's agenda
Coming up:
Monday, 2/13 - Poetry
Tuesday, 2/14 - Project Time
Wednesday, 2/15 - Project Time
Thursday, 2/16 - Literary Terms Test
Friday & Monday, 2/17 & 20 - No School!
Tuesday, 2/21 - Humanity Project Due