Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13

IRT: ~20 minutes
WNB: Outside of class entry

After independent reading time, we talked about yesterday's article. The classes were pretty divided on their opinion of Kaepernick's situation.

Groups had 15 minutes to complete the work on the THROWDOWN activity. They then shared their results with the class. "The Interlopers" was the biggest winner of the activity; the story swept the voice category in all classes. In the below photos, "CD" stands for character development, "S" for style, "T" for theme, and "V" for voice.

1st period bracket results
2nd period bracket results
4th period bracket results

With the remaining class time, I challenged students to develop a meme about one of the four stories. They did such a great job! You can see their creations here: https://goo.gl/21jlfw

Today's Board